Greek Feta
A generous portion of the best Feta - straight from Greece
20080 Stevens Creek Blvd Ste 104 Cupertino, CA 95014
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Dining Style
Casual Dining
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Chicken Souvlaki Pita
Chicken Souvlaki Pita
Filled with skewered chicken, lettuce, fries, tomatoes, onions & El Greco sauce
Chicken Souvlaki Plate
Chicken Souvlaki Plate
Three chicken skewers seasoned with Greek herbs and spices, pita bread and El Greco sauce
Vegetarian Pita - currently @ Cupertino
Vegetarian Pita - currently @ Cupertino
Filled with revithokeftedes, cabbage, tomatoes, onions & melitzanosalata
Use your location
Available around SF Bay Area, Sacramento, Manila City
and Ho Chi Minh City.