10. Phó Râu (Vegetable Phó) $14.10
Top Sellers
104. Gỏi Bò Tái Chanh (Lemon-Dressed Rare Beef Salad)
104. Gỏi Bò Tái Chanh (Lemon-Dressed Rare Beef Salad)
Mixed with ginger, onion and mint leaves. Served with ginger sauce.
Pho 24
107. Gỏi Cuốn Chay (Vegetarian Fresh Spring Rolls) (2)
107. Gỏi Cuốn Chay (Vegetarian Fresh Spring Rolls) (2)
Served with house peanut sauce.
Pho 24
109. Gỏi Cuốn Gà Nướng (Grilled Chicken Spring Rolls) (2)
109. Gỏi Cuốn Gà Nướng (Grilled Chicken Spring Rolls) (2)
Served with house fish sauce.
Pho 24
15. Bánh Mì Bơ Hành Hương (Grilled Onion Beef Sandwich)
15. Bánh Mì Bơ Hành Hương (Grilled Onion Beef Sandwich)
Pho 24
48. Cơm Đổ Gà Con Ngu Vi Huong Chien Don (Five-Spice Deep-Fried Whole Hen over Tomato Rice)
48. Cơm Đổ Gà Con Ngu Vi Huong Chien Don (Five-Spice Deep-Fried Whole Hen over Tomato Rice)
Pho 24
101. Hoành Thành Chiến (Pork & Shrimp Fried Wontons)
101. Hoành Thành Chiến (Pork & Shrimp Fried Wontons)
Served with house sweet & sour sauce.
Pho 24
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