Sinh Tố Khoai Môn (Taro Smoothie) $5.40
Top Sellers
104. Gỏi Bò Tái Chanh (Lemon-Dressed Rare Beef Salad)
104. Gỏi Bò Tái Chanh (Lemon-Dressed Rare Beef Salad)
Mixed with ginger, onion and mint leaves. Served with ginger sauce.
Pho 24
46. Cơm Chiên Bò Lúc Lắc (Filet Mignon Shaking Beef Cubes over Fried Rice)
46. Cơm Chiên Bò Lúc Lắc (Filet Mignon Shaking Beef Cubes over Fried Rice)
Pho 24
108. Gỏi Cuốn Heo Nướng (Grilled Pork Spring Rolls) (2)
108. Gỏi Cuốn Heo Nướng (Grilled Pork Spring Rolls) (2)
Served with house fish sauce.
Pho 24
103. Bánh Xèo (Vietnamese Sizzling Crepes)
103. Bánh Xèo (Vietnamese Sizzling Crepes)
Served with a house fish sauce.
Pho 24
52. Cơm Bò Khó (Beef Stew Poured over Rice)
52. Cơm Bò Khó (Beef Stew Poured over Rice)
Pho 24
15. Bánh Mì Bơ Hành Hương (Grilled Onion Beef Sandwich)
15. Bánh Mì Bơ Hành Hương (Grilled Onion Beef Sandwich)
Pho 24
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