Hearty Afro-Brazilian Hors d'Oeuvres *Favorites Package*
Served buffet style (6-7 pieces per person) w/ Napkins, plates & utensils. This package includes: *ENDIVIAS RECHEADAS: cod, coconut milk, & leek stuffed endives; *BROCHETTES FRUITS: mango, kiwi, crab skewers w/ honey mustard; *TAPIOCA PUFFS: deep-fried tapioca & halloumi with sweet chili sauce (veg); *BATATINHAS RECHEADAS: potatoes stuffed with gorgonzola & caramelized onions (veg); Available Supplements: CASQUINHA DE SIRI +$1pp, COXINHAS DE FRANGO +$2pp [Minimum of 10 required to order] [This item requires 12 hours to prepare.]
Per Person

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