Samosa Salad$13.00A warm salad topped with crunchy samosas, cabbage, red onion, cilantro, cucumber, jalapeños, mint, sesame seeds, fried garlic, fried onions, yellow bean powder, tamarind sauce and a splash of samosa soup on a bed of romaine lettuce.
Mango Salad$12.00Pickled mango with fried garlic, cabbage, red onions, cucumber, cilantro, yellow bean powder and fried onions, and onion oil on a bed of romaine lettuce and a fresh squeeze of lemon.
Ginger Salad$12.00Pickled ginger, fried garlic, yellow beans, yellow bean powder, peanuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, jalapeños, cilantro, and onion oil on a bed of romaine lettuce and a fresh squeeze of lemon.
Tea Leaf Salad$15.00A mix of Burmese tea leaves, fried garlic, yellow beans, peanuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, tomatoes and jalapeños over a bed of romaine lettuce and a fresh squeeze of lemon.
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Burma Fresh
949 Ruff Drive, San Jose, CA 95110, USA