Lamb Dishes

  • $13.99
    Lamb pieces cooked in a house blend creamy sauce and nuts.
  • $14.99
    Lamb pieces cooked in a rich creamy curry sauce with nuts.
  • Lamb cubes cooked with eggplants in homemade curry sauce.
  • Tender spring lamb cooked with light creamy sauce
  • $13.99
    A famous dish for its bold flavor cooked w/ fresh bell peppers & onions.
  • $13.99
    Lamb and yellow lentils cooked with Nepalese style herb and spices.
  • $13.99
    A classic preparation with lamb and potatoes with vindaloo paste.
  • $13.99
    Lamb infused with fresh spinach, cooked with aromatic herb and spices.
  • $13.99
    Boneless lamb pieces with homemade curry sauce.
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