Calamari Fritter
2680 S Maryland Pkwy Ste A1 Las Vegas, NV 89109
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Casual Dining
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Crispy Hainan Chicken over Rice
Crispy Hainan Chicken over Rice
Served all day, crispy chicken and garlic rice, soup and salad.
The Samplers
The Samplers
Four chicken satays, four dumplings, two spring rolls, two crispy shrimps.
Mixed Veggies
Mixed Veggies
Sautéed tofu or chicken and mixed vegetables with salad and white or brown rice.
Teriyaki Chicken on Rice
Teriyaki Chicken on Rice
Grilled chicken white meat with teriyaki sauce and steamed veggies and white or brown rice.
Green Bean Chicken
Green Bean Chicken
Stir-fried chicken, green bean and garlic sauce with salad and white or brown rice.
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and Ho Chi Minh City.